Sunday 29 May 2011

Exchanged fire with pirates, taiwan captain was killed

Taipei, 29 AP) Taiwan's Foreign Ministry said that the Taiwan fishing boat "at No. 68 Spring wealth" in the Indian Ocean last March held hostage by Somali pirates this year in May as the attacks on the mother ship by pirates and U.S. warships exchanged fire, the Taiwan fishing boats come in at WU The exchange of fire with the ship was sunk with the death.

Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Zhang Ji-ping said that the current U.S. and NATO are made ​​in respect of the accident investigation, will depend on the survey results, accompanied by their families for follow-up compensation.

"Chun Choi at No. 68"fishing boat last March 30 in East Africa, Somalia hijacked by pirates near the sea, the Foreign Ministry received the report at that time, the major international anti-piracy mechanism between Taiwan and overseas units of the relevant contact, because Pirates asking price is very high, with involvement from international brokers, negotiations with the pirates are not always smooth.

The spokesman said, after one year deal with the pirates this year in April, only reached a preliminary agreement with the Somali pirates, but on May 21, "Chun Choi at No. 68" as a fishing Jibei Somali pirates attack the mother ship, and with the implementation of NATO U.S. warships anti-piracy task, "Groves number " exchanges of fire, fishing boats were sunk, Wu came in and robbery against ships, pirates killed three cable States.

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