Thursday 26 May 2011

A new round of tornadoes in the Midwest 13 dead

At 17:02 on May 26, 2011
WASHINGTON (AP 26) United States suffered a new round of tornadoes hit the Midwest, killing at least 13 people died.
In Oklahoma, a tornado caused 8 deaths, Oklahoma City, Newcastle, west of the steeple of a church was blown 90 meters away, outside a house in the fall.
Tornadoes also hit northern Texas, Kansas and           Arkansas, killing at least 5 people were killed.             
Texas Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport spokesman said, the local began to hail, causing 300 flights were canceled trips, flights were changed more than 60 times landed at other airports, there are about 1 million people stranded at the airport.
Bold Herd family photographed tornado touchdown in Oklahoma's amazing picture, all the way Cuikulaxiu, almost like a big monster in the running meters, the whole house where they stand, spread them around the wreckage was a tornado, even also lost truck head-on collision with the tornado, the result is an instant collapse, but fortunately, the driver miraculously survived.

Monitor staff photographed a store near escape with the customer's screen, they just turned around, tornado families to invade the door step, after the storm has not become a family home, standing on the ruins of the victims, I do not know where to start cleaning up, each step is heartache.

Victims, said: "the whole back of the house collapsed, the wind swept away our dog, it blown away from the window, just 30 seconds, like a lifetime so long."

1,500 people still missing Missouri
A new wave of tornadoes from Oklahoma, Kansas, and then, even blowing off a natural gas pipeline caused an explosion, and finally toward the Arkansas was dissipated. Has been a tornado hit the southern town of Joplin, Missouri, the death toll rose to 125, and another 800 injured, 1,500 missing. Joplin tornado struck again on Wednesday morning, but fortunately did not add another disaster.
Administration, bulldozers are busy in the Joop Linzhen Qing Li rubble, search and rescue team is about 10 km along the raging tornado path, looking for survivors, and may be more victims.
The National Weather Bureau has revised the scale to the highest level 5, the insurance may be more than 8.4 billion ringgit loss.

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