Sunday 29 May 2011

Taiwan residents against demolition of the roof insert flag

(Taipei, 29 AP) sudden appearance of Dunhuang Road, Taipei flag fluttering in the wind in a row, the original is the owner protested the demolition.

Huang, homeowners and landlords with the demolition disputes, lawsuits against, and he criticized Taiwan's judicial and administrative "services are for the bourgeoisie" to deliberately inserted flag in protest, and am very proud of.

It is understood that Huang has been living here the owner is the fourth generation, there is demolition of the original dispute with the landlord, surnamed Chen, traces the source to go back 60 years ago, Huang was originally a tenant, leasing the land to Chen, but also cover This row of bungalows, Chen because of soaring land prices, a lawsuit to get back to.

The first half of the house is the Taipei City Government land, half are private (surnamed landlords) of land and buildings of the original households (Huang, owner) ownership. This dispute do not know how close, so the owner of a rare five-star red with a plug means to protest, in the news.

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