Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Kahn denied the rape allegations, the lawsuit reached the trial stage

(New York, 7 AP) the former president of the International Monetary Fund Dominique Strauss-Kahn on Monday in New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan before the Court, denied all allegations of sexual abuse against him.

Day, the New York State Supreme Court in Manhattan reporters gathered outside. A waiter in New York about 50 members of the union gathered outside the court shouted "shame"and other slogans, mocking Kahn.

Kahn, dressed in a black suit, accompanied by his wife to stand trial, he denied allegations of sexual abuse against him. This also means that the lawsuit reached the trial stage, Kahn is expected to appear in court together with the plaintiff, the jury will be involved in the next step in the proceedings.

Appear in court again July 18

The court announced that Kahn will appear in court again July 18.

Benjamin Kahn's lawyer told the media after the trial, said Kahn, a great chance of winning, because he believes that not all allegations against Kahn established.

Kahn, 62, a former French finance minister, in 2007 as president of the International Monetary Fund. May 14 this year, Kahn, hotel maid on suspicion of sexual assault was arrested in New York, imprisoned by the count of attempted rape and other charges 7. After several twists and turns eventually released on bail.

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