Sunday 12 June 2011

Security beat pregnant women, thousands of riot Guangzhou

(Beijing 12 AP) Guangzhou Zengcheng 10 o'clock Friday night, because pregnant women from Sichuan stall door at the supermarket stalls, beaten by security, causing thousands of people booing, the public security to prevent pregnant women away, turn 3 police cars and an ambulance overturned, throwing bricks and stones to the public security.

Police and riot police with batons and fired tear gas to suppress the arrest of at least 25 people. Events to expand for fear of the authorities in Guangzhou on Saturday morning and from the large police emergency alert to the new Town. Local news that does not protect the fetus of pregnant women, but the Police denied that pregnant women and her husband did not hurt.

The incident on Friday night, a pregnant woman Wang (20-year-old Jiang County in Sichuan Province, to open) in front of a supermarket business road occupation, obstruction, a large London village security committee staff to persuade them to leave, so the two sides dispute . After the physical conflict between the two parties, pregnant women fell to the ground. Town government promptly sent the new leaders and police to the scene to mediate, the two sides reach a settlement.

Police officers take trouble

While the pregnant woman treated her husband to the ambulance when the scene was nothing to prevent a malicious person, leading to onlookers who gather, some people booing, some criminals do the work to the field staff, policemen threw water bottles and stones at police cars , Resulting in on-site police and a number of private cars damaged. Number of police officers taken away from trouble investigation.

Event timely examination and treatment of pregnant women, mother and child safe. After the incident, Guangzhou City, and by the principal leaders of the city rushed to the scene disposal to prevent the incident worse.

Saturday once the situation stabilized, pregnant women, Wang's husband also went to the scene with a radio to clarify the facts, to persuade onlookers staff. But after nightfall, there are still some people gathered crowd to big London village. Although the authorities have done a lot of work, but a few troublemakers deliberately blocked traffic, damaged vehicles. For the situation could escalate, the police sent out a force to take decisive measures, the situation was effectively disposed of.

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